Monday 7 April 2008

Still got problems.

Monday p.m. Following yesterdays pantomime with the lap top this machine automatically ran AVG this morning which took an hour !!, Fortunately I had other things to do so I got on with them - but so far I have been unable to get an anti virus into the lap top.

Good job some folks read this blog - I managed to get help for a job today.

Unable to get the photos onto the machine so I will have to change cameras meantime.

Into town this morning to see Vanessa, partner of Edwardo who is still in Argentina, where due to the national strike there are serious problems with getting fresh food into the shops , etc. But he is Ok and doing fine. Vanessa had a wee leak which upset her neighbour , however, looks like it is cured meantime, but when Sparky gets back from Peru we will send him to "search and destroy", or upset the neighbour again.
To Scot Cuppola's for new light fittings, up to The Mercat to drop off packages , had my scrambled egg on toast and then out to Mortnhall for the funeral of Willie Allan, a member of the Lodge, Chapter and OES. Very good turn out with a lovely kletter read out, sent from his daughter in law and family in New Zealand

Heard yesterday that Michelle C. is to get a new driving instructor as the first one took a nervous breakdown and is off work for a while.

Paul Q. had his birthday yesterday, now 45 - looking as though he had a hard paper round. Kristen had baked a cake!!! for him and had extra nibbles and treats in the pub for the customers.

Mr Frizzell is conspicuous by his absence, trust he is not in that big suitcase I sent down and floating out in the Firth of Forth at the entrance to the River Esk - from the sound of things he might well end up like the lady in Arbroath. The sad thing is that the poor soul represented everything George hates - She was female; she was foreign; she was a hard worker; and she was saving her money to send home.

Need to dash - heading off to yet another masonic meeting tonight, Conclave, which is different !!


Minx2581 said...

Hiya Stuart!
Yeh i cant beleive that i was that bad as to give him a nervous breakdown! hahahaha
Anyway please tell Anne that i loved the jewelry and I hope she enjoys the wine and chocs and that she gets better Very soon! I hope that Graham enjoys his whisky and you yours! Take Care and may see you at the mercat V soon!
Lots of Love
Michele C xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Stuart,

Was the Willie Allan mentioned ex '44' ?

keep up the good work!
cheers David