Saturday 12 April 2008

Mr Grumpy

Now P.M. Saturday and feeling just a bit under the !! , not weather - but must admit to having had a few large red wines, contrary to the advice of the Government Health advisors.
I did have a tale to tell but have gotton sidetracked.
It is just getting a bit silly now, we have to watch what size of glass we drink out of in case we have too many units in one day - but that does not stop the yobbos buying thier bottles of cheap Buckfast at the supermarket and then being a real arse**** in the main street. We cannot drop litter without being spied upon and fined with the use of town centre CCTV but contractors can abuse the local refuse facilities or still go out into ,the country and fly tip. We cannot park without a ticket or we get towed away - even although our car alarm is sounding, but wardens will ignore untaxed motors.
We pay a fortune for road tax, they dig up roads, leave holes and make a bloody mess of our highways, a classic being a hole in Edinburgh dug by the Water Board which then lay unattended for months with no one near it. Nearer home, as I said months ago, Crummoch got several projects which they could obviously not service so they started them all, caused the usual road chaos and then part closed the work while they had to concentrate on finishing jobs esewhwere. The so called Ploverhall project has ground to a halt, they have removed their portaloos and tea cabins and left the road in a pitiful state, so much so that any motorcyclists have to be extra cautious. I hate to be a grump but one could complain every day about many of these so called projects but who the hell is there to listen or do anythng about it. The sad thing is that is it is not just restricted to this area it is all over, and the government / local government are supposed to be in control. In the meantime their petty "jobsworths" are out and about doing their best to interfere with small businesses.

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