Wednesday 9 April 2008

Photo's at last

Need a wee seat as I am aching all over, so much for hard work being good for you.
Made it to B & Q where i bought my new sander, with a little bag to catch the dust - NOT- there is still as much flying about, and I had not put covers down.
On the way back I spotted and stopped for a blether to my mate Dan Graham, just along the road from Hillend ski slope - good to have a chat in person as most of my recent contact has been on the phone or by E mail. He was looking well, and is off for a week in the sun soon. The photo of the ski slope reminded me of the time,, many years ago, possibly about 1967 when they were just starting to lay the nylon matting for the artificial slope. This was part of my beat being attached to Loanhead, and one night shift, my colleague decided to try and drive the landrover up the mat to see how far up the hill he could get. However the motor just skidded on the nylon and we slid backwards leaving a couple of big gouges as evidence. A couple of days later when I was over in daytime one of the staff was telling me about " some idiot trying to drive up the mat"" !!!! I was a regular visitor to the centre which has been busy for years, and the view from the top of the chair lift, on a clear day, is spectacular.
On the top road, A702, near to Boghall Farm there is this odd camera set up at the side of the road and I have no idea at all what it is for, about thirty yards away are the two blue cameras on a pole which have been there for years.
Back home, found Mrs B. now "stripping" in the dinette - what a mess (both her and the dinette!!) , but she eventually uncovered this piece of graffiti which she put on the wall about twenty five years ago - We were having a birthday party for Graham and his "little chums" who were in for grub and games. We at the same time were decorating so there were no carpets and the wall was bare, ideal for a hoard of little chaps - so Ann just wrote this message on the wall. It caused great consternation with some of the other parents who were not happy when their little angels wanted the same at their parties.
Had a phone call from our new UNISON man this afternoon as J.R. is quite ill after surgery for a back injury. He was very nice and has managed to get the ball rolling again so another meeting is immanent.
Was sent to Tesco for some goods, papers, etc, and met some folks to chat to. Came back and as the weather was nice I decided to cut the grass, however, my flymo, 13 months old, decided to die - smoke belching from the motor and no power. It is yet another example of the "expired warranty chip" which I am sure is installed in many items so when you do not take an extended warranty it automatically breaks down or dies after the year. I have the date of purchase in my files so I will be having a wee word with Homebase about it.

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