Thursday 18 December 2008

Away at the toot, driving Graham's motor today, so it was just under the speed of sound most of the way, braking for the occasional Police car and avoiding puddles, spray - and taking a bit of a battering in the wind. Fortunately, but the time I reached Runcorn the weather was clear and dry.
Jill was waiting at Reception and had forewarned the troops that I was due, plus having my roll all ready preordered in the canteen.
Lorraine was happy enough to see me, but Kelly and Cathy were choked with the cold, needed their hair brushing and were not keen on posing. However, no such problem with the terrible two, Sue and Christine @ Dick Turpin's Sisters. Caught Christine showing off her pair of "big jugs" and had a real laugh while they made my piece and cuppa. Christine has a mouse in her loft, so she will not go up to use her computer, what a feardie - "wee poor and timerous beastie - thees got a panic in thy breastie " as Quoted by Mr. Robert Burns.
Headed back, again at the toot, and apart from about forty miles of atrocious weather from Gretna north, and then found Glasgow traffic crawling westbound.
Home via The Bush to see Alan and then into the house, where I collapsed into bed for a well deserved snooze.
Downstairs, Mrs. B. had visitors, Irish Christine and her young charge, Charlotte, daughter of her neighbour Heather. The young lady was delighted see the x-mas tree and had a long discussion about her letter to Santa Clause, and her Sunday sessions helping her dad Charlie to bake in the kitchen.
Sparky has just arrived, soft soaping Mrs. B. to make sure he gets some dinner on X-mas day when he finishes work, and to leave his stocking ( black silk which he says he did not find in his pocket) for Santa to fill.
Enough for the meantime.

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