Wednesday 3 December 2008

Still life !!!!!!!!! and not even futuristic

Well, 4.44 seems to by my magic number, thats when i woke up again , followed by 5. 37 and then , 6.44 , which is a bit of de ja vou as I am sure the same happened a few weeks. And when i think of it , 44 is one of the most drawn numbers on the lottery - but I never take it - perhaps I should.
Still life - I am talking about the traffic again outside the house, this burst water main at Hillend is causing total chaos as all the roads on the south west of the Pentlands are being channelled into one - so according to the latest traffic report it is taking an hour to get through penicuik, but there are cars outside the house taking five minutes to cover thirty yards or so.

Anyway, last night made it to Lodge Dalhousie no. 720 Bonnyrigg, where over one hundred members and visitors arrived for a 1st degree. Candidate was the RWM's son so that caused the usual comments about your dad is now your brother, so does that make your mother your sister ? But it was good, and they also gave out an honorary membership to Robert Law, a past Master of Kilwinning, Musselburgh.
I thought I had finished up as Ass Treasurer, however I ended up doing my bit , taking fees before this weeks installation on Saturday, ands might even end up doing it again next year. By this time it was snowing outside and word was that roads were getting bad.
Sparky and self left about 10.45 and headed up on quite bad roads to Penicuik, where as usual things were grinding to a halt , even the boy racers were skating all over with a sports car "losing it" at Milton Bridge.
Anyway - home in one piece, and will now have to wait a couple of hours before we venture out, although Mrs. B. is about to cancel an appointment in the town due this afternoon rather than have us risk life and limb when we do not need to.

Just watching Martin Lewis, Money Matters, on GMTV, aand for once I agree with him, he is saying that we should give each other I.O.U.'s for x-mas and then buy in the sales . Good one - I might wait till the summer sales.

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