Friday 26 December 2008

Boxing Day and all is quiet - so far

Been in the Pub since 9 .30 a.m. and Haymarket area of Edinburgh is dead. Very few folks on the go, and those that I did see earlier were all hading back from the NEXT sale, clutching their precious carrier bags.

News from the West , Stanley Place, Blantyre , mayem and bedlam as the bairns refused to go to bed, still playing with their toys while the parents and Gandparents were snoozing, or sleeping off their dinner.

Nice call last night from Robbie and Caitlin in the land of OZ, both are down in Melbourne for the x-mas break with Caitlin's dad. So presently out of touch with no PC's so use. Doing well, weather was lovely, and they just left the turkey out in the sun to cook off !!! I think not.
Jo Jo @ HM recovering this morning from this 24 hour vomiting bug, looking and feeling a lot better.
Currently working with Sir Christopher , he has not got all his presents yet - as RGB (Santa) forgot them !! and had a flying visit from Miss talk a Lot as she headed off to work. From the sound of things , the Reid homestead at Buckstone was looking a bit like a refugee centre last night with folks sleeping on any bit of floor available - sounds just like the good old days when I used to bag the floor behind the settee, pull it out a bit and then when I was sort of tired just crawl in and nod off. It was either that or just be ignorant and first to bag a bed got one for the night , hell mend everyone else.

Very mild outside after a rather frosty night, but I think we need a lot more frost to kill the bugs and beasties. Mrs. B has been out for walk, bit fresh country air is good for her.

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