Tuesday 16 December 2008

A few inane Ramblings , but on reflextion

Being a creature of habit , which I suppose can be very boring , or extremely boring , I normally - when I am in at night sit with the lap top , do some silver (or should it be nearly bald) surfing and then write the blog . However, yesterday, after my trip to the Nurse to get some more of my very valuable blood extracted, and having been upstairs playing catch up and tidy up for about six hours I ended up just sitting watching a late Movie on Ch. 5 and to hell with it - had a couple of wee "Highland Park's" to lubricate this constant sore throat I have.
I did consider writing , but thought that as I had done nothing exciting I might just have reminisce about the past - however after my usual restless night and on reflection a few things came to mind.

My Passport - thanks to the SIA "losing / misplacing "it in their obviously rubbish mail system I had to get a new one, which has since arrived so , Sandra and William should or might not be pleased that I am going on holiday with them - in the meantime the SIA "found" the original in their system so I have spent £79 for no reason and been subjected to grief.
Talking about the SIA - looks as though they have actually granted me a Licence (not here yet - but according to their tracking system - in the post) so I can now go and get a job as a Door Steward if I want !! We had to get them to comply with the law as regard to supervision in The Mercat, but I am sure that Archie will let me go and practice along at the Standing Order.

Standing Order, we started a beer club there several years ago S O D S ( Standing order Drinking Society) which was a pukka club / group who enjoyed real ales and it did very well with trips to small breweries, lunches, and an annual Burns Supper. However, when RGB left and moved on the group sort of folded , so we formed M O D S - based at the Mercat, just to keep in touch, but being away from the centre of the town and with only a couple of real ales !! But we were planning on having a x-mas dinner last weekend, however time beat us , so hopefully we will have something after the New year for the faithful few.

Back to the loft / attic / office - I was trying to catch up with about four months of paper work, and get computers to work - fat chance, I have one deceased desk top which has lots on the hard drive I need to recover, a lap top with VISTA - which is doing my head in as it is not compatible with half the stuff I have and my little Palm , Dell Axim, which has hundreds of addresses on it and I cannot get it to sync with anything - while in the meantime it's battery needs replacing or kept on constant charge.
Amongst the paper work there are books and documents going back over TEN years , why ? why? do we keep all this junk. There is stuff up there going back to boxed wedding presents ( 38 years old) , enough brand new Edinburgh Crystal - Millennium, Thistle, Decanters, etc - to stock a shop; old videos , books, magazines ( just in case I want to look back), train sets , and literally hundreds of photos - bloody hell , even my good hi fi system !! Maybe one day it will get sorted again !!!

Then there I was walking about in a bit of a blur this morning - my specs are always filthy, chipped, etc, so when I looked closely, these ones had soup on them having been stuck in my shirt at dinner time and me without a bib - is this a sign of old age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


maureen said...

Hi Stuart,

Just wanted to say loving reading your blogs it keeps me and craig up to date with things that are happening in your life. Speak to you all soon.

luv maureen craig and cameron

Stuart said...

Hi Maureen ,

saw on the tracker that you had been reading, we need your new address.

maureen said...

New Address:

13 Clyde Avenue
G78 2HR