Wednesday 24 December 2008

Yet another nocturnal note

4.45 a.m. and apart from the sore back; neck, head; throat, cough and general aches and pains it has been a "good" night so far !!!
Just up for a Horlicks and Ibuprofen and I am back to get the rest of a sleep, no need to rush about early doors today.

I see Graham is in the same boat , he has been at the Lemsips , great thing this self medicating - but what else do you do with the cold, apart from hot toddies !! Damm - I sat last night , for the sixth in a row, "dry" apart from glasses of water and never gave the hot toddie a thought. There was a bit in one of yesterdays papers saying that of all the so called old wives tales, and home made cures, hot toddies were the most effective - so , perhaps tonight!!!! - just need to pick a good malt - NOT - cooking whisky in the toddies.

Watched my friend Rab. C. Nesbitt last night , just a bit near the bone at times, but absolutelly brilliant - he is a very good actor Gregor Fisher, takes on lots of straight roles very well. He played a Detective recently and was believable.

So now - to bed - to sleep - perchance to dream. ( Shakespeare I think)

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