Thursday 5 June 2008

Getting near dark time

Long day again today, three trains each way to get to Harrow and back, and William came back for me to Hatton Cross where the planes for Heathrow come in not too far above the road height - William was saying that one clipped the perimiter fence and landed on the grass before the runway last year - not too clever, perhaps the pilot was in a hurray for the loo.

Took the scenic road on the way back to Egham through a couple of quiet villages (apart from the low flying aircaft) and arrived back in time to take red wine in the sun - out in the back garden before the sun went below the nearby hill.

He was painting steel girders today with anti fire paint at £100 a pot - seemingly give the beams an extra one and a half hours fire resistance.

Had a good dinner ( appropriately - Pork Chops) and with ample supplies of red wine. However my ears have had some battering as tongues have been loosened.

Something to think hard about - Did you hear about the dyslexic priest who spent years wondering if there was a real dog !!

Sandra's PC is coal powered, a trifle slow and that is a big understatement!! so much for BT Broadband - I would need sedated if I had to use this every day.

Donna was thinking that the boys from Dublin (on the blog at the weekend) were well fixed with their six packs - all I need now is a client for Johnny the Gigalo, who arrived back from Italy with a broken bone in the wrist.

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