Tuesday 24 June 2008

No Choice of filling

Once again - bad conscience kept me awake, but I still managed to get a lie in till 6.45 a.m. then up and about.

I had to see the dentist at 9 a.m. and when I arrived the place was covered in balloons and photos of Kirsty his dental assistant who is 21 today, hence the photo of her, the Dentist and Dawn the receptionist. Into the big chair and after the smallest of jags I had my mouth frozen for a filling - no choice like you get with a baked potato. It was all very painless which is a change from the days when I used to pass out with fright in the chair, and on one occasion when out cold slid unceremoniously out the chair and ended up flat on the floor, much to the upset of the Dentist and her assistant. My mother , who was small and proper used to go berserk in the Dentists and eventually they refused to treat her so she had to go to the Dental Hospital and be fully sedated before they could touch her.
So off again on my travels shortly - a man's work is never done. Back to the plumbers merchants, paint suppliers and then to do some work for SAC at The Bush.

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