Monday 6 October 2008

"Singles and swingers

Just about out for the count but trying to get into sync with the local time.

We heaed that The Mercat did really well on Saturday night with their singles might, 43 folks in attendance, but i wonder if that included Sparky mark who said he was going to loiter in the area!! Anyway we hear that this place was once renound ar it was a swingers club - so our new room has joining dooes with next door, Mrs B is now worrierd about the two nubile young things next door creeping through and taking advantage of me.
Having said that , and it is not like me to be derogatory, but we have a couple of maidens here who make the "fat slags"look like slimmers of the year.

My ex Aurshire couple, Dennis and Carol Ann, now living in the south of iremansd were saying that there is a lovely statue of Jean Armour in the centre of Mauchline, designed by a local and based on his daughters'face to commemorate Robert Burns. They now train greyhound dogs for many of the major kennels and race handlers.

till tomorrow

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