Tuesday 21 August 2007

Aches and pains

Good morning,

feeling a bit sore this morning after my session in the garden last night, however, managed to get a lot done and will do more today if it stays clear for a while.

Had a couple of nice e mails last night, Liz Warham gave me a wee update on life in Forres and after many years of writing is getting one her books published on the web. Also friends in the USA who I spent time with a couple of years ago were in touch. Their son is now working in Mumbai, India, so if possible I will try and meet him for a chat when I am over there in November.

Morning letter to Bob Malcolm.

Have been listening to you since 6 a.m., you are so cheery and I have to say that Joanna sounds lovely.

That song "Sexual Healing" and your dirty laugh gave me the sex and lust theme for the day.

Yesterday I spent a few hours in the Sportsmans, and we had a lovely group drop in for a "wee refreshment", They were over from Irvine on a day trip. A couple of the ladies were looking for "Musselburgh rock", which I thought was was a long gone thing, but I wandered along to Luca's Ice cream parlour and found some !!!. I wonder if lettered rock tastes the same as non lettered, and do people still have piles of decaying rock lying in their attics. I mean what is the point in travelling miles to buy rock which tastes the same everywhere, then eat it !!

Bit of role reversal in our house, son - Graham keeps getting on at us, says it is time we settled down and behaved, he sounds like that actress who recently published the book about how to cope with "wayward parents",.

This is sad, took me ages to work it out. (Ken theme) "Ken him over there" As in Do you no KEN HIM OVER THERE.

Anyway, great excitement, big day tomorrow - but that will be another story.


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